Thursday, April 21, 2011


Some might call this a coincidence (or give it a cutesy term like a co-inky-dink), but I don't believe in coincidences I believe in God-incidences. I don't believe that anything happens by accident or without the Lord knowing about it.

I do believe that God's timing is perfect. I believe it for the big things. Like the day the Oncologist told us to go to a sperm bank but instead we found out we were already pregnant, the time our car was totaled but we didn't know until 2 days after we got our tax returns (which happened to be about 2 days before we expected to have our car returned to us fully repaired) so we were able to buy a better car with a manageable loan.

I also believe this for the little things, the most people don't notice things. Girls who go to the same high school but don't meet until they are in college together 2 hours away from home and become insta-friends (like instant rice, ready within minutes). Your phone rings, delaying your departure by seconds, then you pass a vicious accident that had just happened in route to your destination. A card of encouragement arriving the very day you feel alone and broken, suffering a loss everyone else has seemingly forgotten. A blog contest giving away the movie in which your upcoming blog series is based on.

Wait, what?

Yes you read that right! One of my beloved faith bloggers Jamie at This Kind of Love is giving away the movie Fireproof  (click on the link to see the trailer)!!!!

If you haven't ever seen the movie and would like to own it head on over to Jamie's Post and enter her contest!

If you have seen the movie once but would love to own it so you can watch it again and again head on over to Jamie's Post and enter her contest!

If you own the movie and want another copy (because yours has been worn out ;) or) because you would like to give it as a gift to someone in need of it's beautiful, timely, and universal message head on over to Jamie's Post and enter her contest!

Every day the Lord has been working in my heart and giving me more joy, more excitement, and more love for this Love Dare Blog journey. It will be quite the challenge blogging about this for 20 weeks but to quote Me from Ez x 5 "20 weeks will be quite the commitment, but I did say 'til death do us part,' so what's 20 weeks in the grand scheme of things." I want to encourage you to join in with us.

These Dares are for everyone. Your marriage could be the best it's ever been and you will still glean tons of beautiful wisdom and practical ideas to improve your marriage. Though the book has helped thousands of couples struggling through marriage these dares can be done at any time by anyone. Even if you wont be able to read the book, or do each and every dare we will cherish and value each and every post you are able to contribute.  I do hope, at the very least, that you will follow my blog and journey. 

Now...Hurry over to This Kind of Love and enter her contest :)