Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Bathroom Reveal

If you will remember I mentioned that I was going to repaint and spruce up our bathroom while my husband was at his men's retreat. The project went SLOW, I did get it finished before he got home, but by the Grace of God I managed to have just enough paint to finish the touch ups and the energy to scrap all of that wall paper off.

Without further ado, here are the pictures.

This is the wall I'll be looking at when I take a bath, so I really wanted something that would evoke peace and comfort when I looked at it and this Bible verse felt perfect. 

Wondering why that towel is wet in the second picture above? It's because this is Micah's favorite thing to do in the bathroom...

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I'm not sure they actually do the space justice, it really feels so elegant when you are in it, blue tub and sink in all. Eventually we will probably paint them white, but for now this is perfectly acceptable.

More pictures and project reveals in the near future, because I borrowed a friends camera and got a TON of pictures. If you're my FB friend then you don't have to wait for the blog posts, go check out my two house albums now.

Love you all!!!!