Thursday, September 1, 2011

5 Minutes of Praise: The Bank Teller's Prayer

I still have a HUGE list of answered prayers to add, but I JUST found out about this one and had to jump on here right away to share it.

Answered Prayer for my Bank Teller :)))))))
This last month we bought a house. So I was at the bank a whole lot more than normal! It seemed that each time I had the same Teller (well, ok I may have manipulated the line once) and when we got to talking one day about the house, I mentioned that it had been nearly 7 years since we had originally started looking. I then explained that while our first sale fell through it ended up being my husband got a better job with benefits and then shortly after that was diagnosed with cancer and the whole story. How we were so blessed because same day we found out we were pregnant etc. It's my main testimony, I feel like I've shared it a million times, but it's been awhile so it felt SO GOOD to tell it again.

She got goose bumps when I told it to her and then she told me her husband had JUST THAT MORNING been told he might have probably has cancer. They had done a biopsy and determined that his lymphnodes had a "cancer-like pattern" but wouldn't confirm or deny whether he had cancer or not so they ordered another biopsy of a larger area. The doctors left them lingering with this worry and fear.

Three times I was able to ask her for updates and tell her I was praying, and today after I banked with another teller I walked right up to her, spoke to her by name (without checking her name tag, we have to authentically love people and pray for them when we say we will, I believe that makes a huge difference), and asked how he was.

She explained the back story again then said "He just got his results from the second biopsy and said he's all clear!" Oh, praise the Lord. I Smiled huge, high fived her and (nearly) shouted Praise the Lord about six times!

It sounded like the doctors were surprised, but I'm not. I totally needed to hear that miracle today, that answered prayer.

Answered prayer. Prayer really is powerful people, truly and really!!!! What answered prayers have you witnessed in your lifetime, recently or even today? Come link them up to my post here and help us to encourage one another in our prayer efforts. 

God Bless!