I woke up this morning to find a link on my facebook page to a blog post my husband wrote about me. Funny thing is though he posted it in a blog I started more than 4 years ago (under his name because I didn't have a google account at the time) and never since updated! So, I thought I'd move the content to it's rightful place! I'm not sure I deserve all of the fabulous things he said about me, laundry for one is something I'm horrible at keeping up on and definitely complain about, but I feel so loved and blessed none-the-less.
Its my wife's birthday today (December 3rd) and I am hijacking her blog to brag about how amazing my wife is so that everyone knows. I don't brag on her as much as she deserves and she definitely deserves it way more than i give it. A little over seven years ago my wife was gullible enough to marry me. I don't know what she was thinking but her lack of judgement was my gain. My wife has always been there for me through thick and thin. She has always supported me in every aspect of life. The kind of wife that bible talks about in Proverbs 31. "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies". How true! She was there for me through cancer, taking me in for chemo treatments and showing me love and support. She was there behind me even when i wasn't making that much money and we struggled to get by here and there with large cancer bills, never making me feel as though i couldn't provide. She always uplifts me and encourages me. She supports me as a Dad even when i make mistakes. She helps with all kinds of different church ministries, she prays for me all the time and is constantly putting the needs of her family above her own. She puts up with my forgetfulness my messiness, my constant watching of sports, my fishing trips, no-shave November =) and stealing of the covers at night. Everyday she gets up, gets the kids ready for school, gets them breakfast, drops Micah off at daycare, makes sure Owen is on his school bus and that he has underwear on =), puts in a full workday, picks Micah up, makes sure shes there when Owen gets off the school bus, helps the kids with their school work, does laundry, cleans the house and makes us food......sleep......repeat....sleep.....repeat. I cant really name all the stuff she does because the list would be too long, but you get the point. I sometimes don't even realize all that she does until I'm left to do them myself, I realize just how much i appreciate everything that she does and how gracefully she does them.
Through the coarse of life things change, people change, kids change, jobs change, life situations change but having a good wife by your side through it all....There is no greater feeling in the world and God is right about a virtuous woman. What a treasure. As i get older i grow to appreciate, love and cherish her even more as my wife and as the amazing mother of my children. Each year i ask myself what did i do to deserve the blessing of a good wife, and what would my life look like without her (I don't ever want to know).. I don't deserve it, just as i don't deserve any of the blessings God has given me. For some reason God chooses to bless. What a great God we have!
Thank you my wife for loving me, supporting me, building me up, and always being there. You are my treasure, and i have no doubt when our children are older they will rise up and call her blessed.Your Lucky Husband