this weekend i:
went grocery shopping
cooked a whole chicken
made 3 soups worth of chicken broth
deep cleaned the house
had my husband hang picture frames in our living room
made white chicken chili
had friends over to share our house and soup
taught owen how to play go fish and war
froze 5 individual servings of soup for lunches
froze 5 individual servings of cheesy chicken and rice casserole
watched a football game with my husband
had my boys sing happy birthday to my mommy
curled my hair for church and put makeup on
(um...yes I consider these accomplishments. sadly.)
made supper and dinner for my family
wrote a blog post :)
froze enough potato casserole for a healthy size side dish to a meal
froze 2 individual servings of spaghetti for lunches
froze home made spaghetti sauce for a future meal
attempted home made rolls--failed but I'm proud of the effort
had my husband caulk both bathrooms more thoroughly
washed all of our large pots and a few other dishes that didn't fit in
the dishwasher
cleaned the kitchen
straightened up the house
did some laundry done
started my 'virtuous woman' bible study about the proverbs 31 woman and felt pretty good about how i stacked up this weekend ;)
Other than the moving chaos, this is the most productive and organized i've been in awhile. besides, everyone deserves a virtual pat on the back once in awhile.
:) :) :) :) :)
hope you had a nice, productive weekend as well!
PS I tried this whole "lowercase letter only" post today on purpose. What did you think? I love how it looks on other blogs, but I don't think it works for me. It just drives me crazy not capitalizing names.