Did I hear the word GIFT?
What a great way to meet someone new!
My friend over at EZ's X5 did one of these a few months ago, and I remember her saying how much she enjoyed it, so, I was easily persuaded.
Basically, everyone interested committed to buying/sending a gift to the other person and get it to them in time to blog about it today. My package to her was cutting it close, but the faithful post office did it's job and got it to her yesterday! OH YEAH.
I was paired up with the lovely Stephanie Hart
I loved reading Stephanie's Engagement Story and love how her husband included his point of view as well! I really enjoy her blog which she calls her creative outlet. She posts DIY projects she has tackled, recipes she's tried, and goals. I encourage you to go check her out, as I'm sure you'll enjoy her as well.
So what do you get for someone you don't know all that well? I struggled with this, and ultimately decided to go with something that she might not buy for herself, but that's all I'll say here, you'll have to head over to Whatever is Lovely this evening to find out for yourself.
So, I come home from work last night to find a package on my doorstep. Oh how fun it is to get mail! I knew it was coming, and still had that overwhelming excitement joy and enthusiasm, akin to a first time camper getting her first package and being excited to show it off to everyone. (Aside: I'm talking a week at YMCA camp people, not State Park wild life camping, that's for boys. Aside to my Aside: Which I'm sure I'll have to be a part of starting this summer or the next as I happen to be the lone female in a whole slew of boys.) Even Owen was excited for me, "That's not all the mail we got mommy, there's a package at the door!"
Two lovely magnetic note pads
Binder clips
Beautiful blank greeting/note cards
Mini stapler
Lovely pens (perfect for an aspiring writer, I can't ever have enough pens!)
Blue bracelets that match 60% of my wardrobe!
She bought me a notebook that matches my Bible perfectly (pictured with my Bible to show the matching-ness), so I'll be using it for notes and the Lords promptings, but she also got three large decorative paper clips in the same color scheme which I'll use to mark my prayer Psalms for the next morning and keep track of my regular reading schedule.
In one of our conversations I'd mentioned that I was interested in, but hadn't yet read, the Hunger Games and so she sent me hers! I'm so touched by this gesture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I can't wait to dig right into them. Brian said "wow, I bet you can't wait to read those, you've been wanting those for a long time." I love how well he knows me. I also love that the fact I've mentioned these books to him a mere 2 or 3 times in the last month translates (correctly) to wanted to read for a long time. A month of wanting a book is a long time for me! But lately I've restricted my book buying to free Kindle books or Karen Kingsbury to help our finances go farther, I was about a week away from looking into getting them from the Library! Now, I can just relax, and enjoy....
Thanks to my new, thoughtful, and generous friend Stephanie!
Thank you so much Stephanie for everything, I'm so blessed by everything you sent me, but also by our new friendship. I'm looking forward to continuing to email back and forth and getting to know your hopes, dreams and prayers even more!
Also, thanks to Casey, Danielle & Alycia who hosted this wonderful blog party and link up. Make sure you check out their blogs today, to meet several new bloggers and see what presents they exchanged!
If this is your first time visiting Precious Grains of Sand I do hope you will take a peak around. Please feel free to leave a comment, direct me to your blog, I'd love to get to know you!
God Bless!
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